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Saturday 5 May 2018

Sampling technique-Difference between sampling in qualitative and quantitative research

A sampling Technique is a specific process by which the sample from population
is selected.
The Difference between sampling in Quantitative and Qualitative Research
      The selection of a sample in quantitative and qualitative research is guided by two
opposing philosophies.
1)  In quantitative research you attempt to select a sample in such a way that it is
unbiased and represents the population from where it is selected.
2) In qualitative research, number considerations may influence the selection of a
sample such as: the ease in accessing the potential respondents; your judgment that
the person has extensive knowledge about an episode, an event or a situation of
interest to you; how typical the case is of a category of individuals or simply that it
is totally different from the others.
 Purpose of Sampling
To Gather data about the population in order to make an inference that can be
generalized to the population.

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