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Thursday 5 July 2018

7 mind twisting movies worth watching

People ask me about my favourite movies
A: I like thriller, action and horror. i like horror movies, not because i wanna see violence in horror movies, but i wanna see how people survive in situations where there is no hope. I like to see them optimistic, i like to see how they restart their life after such horrible incidents.
There are many worth watching movies but i have made a list of some most viewed and best mind twisting movies
For me the best psycho thriller movies are
Shutter island (my fav, you have to watch it at least thrice to completely understand this)
A beautiful mind
American psycho
Black Swan

(7) Momento
Momento is one of the best movies ever made
Description: A man with severe anterograde amnesia struggles to separate the facts from lies on his quest to solve the mystery of his wife's death.
A memory inside a memory, Memento is a complicated head spinning adventure. Leonard is determined to avenge his wife's murder. However, unable to remember anything that happens day-to-day due to a condition he sustained, short term memory loss, he has to write himself note after note that still don't mean anything after he falls asleep. The film goes back in time to reveal each little bit of the puzzle as he tries to find out the person who killed his wife and makes the audience feel just as confused as he is. The narrative closely follows a phone call Pearce has in which he talks about Sammy Jankis a former client of his who he believed had the same condition. The film takes an unexpected twist as the two characters have a lot more in common than is initially put across. 

(6) Black Swan
Description: Black Swan is truly exciting, beautiful and mesmerising psychological thriller movie.The movie is shot beautifully and shows us how the production slowly destroys the good, obedient girl Nina as she starts suffering from OCD, anorexia(seen when she stares at a grapefruit and turns away the slice of cake her mother gives her in order to celebrate her getting the role), bulimia( seen as she keeps ruuning to the washroom to throw up) and falls under the pressure and stress to be perfect.  Nina’s portrayal as the Black Swan destroys her. It is metaphorical in a way that the character achieves artistic perfection because of the psychological and physical challenges one might encounter.

Description:Sent from the city to investigate the murder of a teenage girl in a small Alaska town, a police detective (Pacino) accidentally shoots his own partner while trying to apprehend a suspect. Instead of admitting his guilt, the detective is given an unexpected alibi, but this "solution" only multiplies the emotional complexity and guilt over his partner's death. He's also still got a murder to solve, in addition to the blackmail and framing of an innocent bystander being orchestrated by the man they were chasing. There's also a local detective (Swank) who is conducting her own personal investigation... of his partner's death. Will it all come crashing down on him?

(4)American Psycho
Description: Patrick Bateman is handsome, well educated and intelligent. He is twenty-seven and living his own American dream. He works by day on Wall Street, earning a fortune to complement the one he was born with. At night he descends into madness, as he experiments with fear and violence.

(3)A beautiful mind
Description: A Beautiful Mind is a touching, emotionally charged film detailing the life of a brilliant academic who suffers from schizophrenia. This affliction slowly takes over his mind and we watch as his life crumbles apart around him. He abandons his students, alienates his colleagues and replaces his research with a fruitless and all-consuming obsession. Eventually he is taken into hospital where he is forced, with the help of electric-shock therapy and regular medication, to accept his condition and attempt to repair the shattered fragments of his life.

Description: Dr. Helen Kingsford (Virdicchio) is working through her last rounds at an old mental hospital which is being closed in favor of a new facility. Only three patients remain and a handful of guards. The office party send off of the old wing is brutally interrupted by one crazy guard who lets out the remaining three patients. Or something close to that. BUT that’s not really the plot. Dr. Kingsford is set on a game of cat and mouse in an effort to evade crazy guard Thomas Reid (Wynne) and his psychotic minions as the patients take over the barely staffed asylum.

(1) Shutter island
Description: DiCaprio kills his wife after she murders their own kids. He cannot accept this reality and creates a fantasy world where he is a detective. To help his cause, his doctor and psychiatrist play along and together , they hunt for a missing patient on the shutter island. [There is no missing patient]
In the end when he learns the truth along with the audience, 
He relapses again and continues to reject the reality. He still believes that the fantasy world he has built around is the truth and that everyone at Shutter Island are part of a conspiracy

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