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Thursday, 5 October 2017

healthy breakfast ideas

Friends! Today I am going to tell you importance of breakfast for healthy life.
Without breakfast, the start of the busy day with empty stomach throughout the day is the same as trying to drive a car without the patrol. The biggest problem in the mother is that she let her child leave home without a breakfast. The breakfast chart for those who do it is the following.
With the help of this chart prepare a breakfast for yourself and for your family.
For mental workers:
 Yogurt or cheese. Corn flakes or apple. Piece of a cake. Some dried fruits.
For weak people:
Tomatoes juice. Bread. cheese. Salad. fruits
For hard workers:
boiled egg. Sliced ​​meat. Tomatoes. Dry fruits. Curd, Butter. milk
For those who want a light breakfast:
Grape Fruit with  sugar. bread. Cream. tea. Piece of meat.
For holiday
Bread. Butter. honey. Fruits. Cake
There are many people who start their day without having breakfast. They thought that they will lose Weight if they will not have a breakfast. But this is wrong. I suggest you don’t do this. The lack of proper and intimate breakfast keeps stress on nerves and mind.
Those who do not have breakfast in the morning do eat more in day and night. At the same time, the result does not come good. Sometimes excessive eating at night causes stomach problem. The dinner should be lightened and the morning breakfast should be good and heavy. The teachers have observed that children who come in school without having breakfast look tired in the class, they are mentally absent. In case of not having breakfast, nervous weakness arises.
I suggest you to eat at least an apple daily in morning. It is said that 1 apple daily, keeps the doctor away. you can make smoothie in breakfast. it will be a delicious breakfast.
 Stay healthy, stay blessed!

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