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Thursday 26 April 2018

How To take person case History (Psychopathology)

§  Name: Optional
§  Gender: Male or Female
§  Age: It must be mentioned.
§  Referral: if he is conscious about his mental state or he is referred by any person or organization
§  Presenting complains: Write in words of patients.  
§  Developmental history: How and where person grew up, Any complications during birth or after birth.
§  Family History: Family Medical and Psychiatric History
§  Medical History: If person is suffering from any physical or psychological illness
§  Drug History: If person is using any kind of Drug

§  Mental State Examination 
 Ã˜ Appearance and Behaviour:
Self Care (Reduced with dementia and Depression): How she/he dressed (culturally adopted or not)
Eye Contact, Face, Pupils dilated and Horizontal creases on forehead. Etc…
Speech (Rate and Flow + Content)
Ø Cognitive Processes
Memory (short term memory and Long term memory)
Ø Sensorium
General awareness of surrounding
Ø Mood and affect
Elevated or depressed
Interaction with others
Ø Intellectual Functions
Perception and Reasoning

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