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Sunday 3 March 2019

Psychoanalysis Treatment Techniques

Psychoanalysis Treatment Technique

Free association: to talk free without any restriction. patients are required to verbalize every thought that
comes to their mind, no matter how irrelevant or repugnant it may appear.
Catharsis: Putout everything present in mind, cognition and thoughts.
Words association: Repeat/associate a word with the response of client.
Symbol implications: Repetition of dream makes it clear.
Self realization: find out what and how a person knows about him/herself.
Freudian Slips: Freud believed that many everyday slips of the tongue or pen, misreading, incorrect hearing, misplacing objects, and temporarily forgetting names or intentions are not chance accidents but reveal a person’s unconscious intentions. In writing of these faulty acts, Freud (1901/1960) used the German Fehlleistung, or “faulty function,”
but James Strachey, one of Freud’s translators, invented the term parapraxes to refer to what many people now simply call “Freudian slips.”
Dream Analysis: Freud used dream analysis to transform the manifest content of dreams to the more important latent content. The manifest content of a dream is the surface meaning or the conscious description given by the dreamer, whereas the latent content refers to its unconscious material.
The basic assumption of Freud’s dream analysis is that nearly all dreams are
wish fulfillments.

Freud noted several limitations of psychoanalytic treatment.
First,not all old memories can or should be brought into consciousness.
Second, treatment is not as effective with psychoses or with constitutional illnesses as it is with phobias, hysterias, and obsessions.
A third limitation, by no means peculiar to psychoanalysis,is that a patient, once cured, may later develop another psychic problem. Recognizing these limitations,
Freud felt that psychoanalysis could be used in conjunction with other therapies.

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