Extreme fear of different things and situations is called phobia. Its a weakness of man but it doesn't mean that every person is a patient of phobia.
However a phobic is addict to see the dark aspects of everything. A neurotic could be its victim. It destroy the brain of man.
Psychologists gave different names for its every type . e.g
Hydrophobia is the fair of water.
Acrophobia is the fair of highness or high place.
Ailurophobia is the fair of Cat.
Mysophobia is a fear of germs. Such people do not shake hand with others. They are afraid that they could get germs from other's hands.
There are three main types of phobia:-
(1)Simple Phobia
Fear of Darkness,highness,flying,Tunnel,Dog,Cat,Spider or fear of any small insect.
(2) social phobia
Fear of interview and Examination, people affected by the social phobia are afraid of the idea that people are watching them, they do not eat in restaurant,they do not speak in meeting, evan they do not use public rest rooms. They do not go to bathroom in front of anyone. Even they could not talk to anyone. Such people like loneliness.
(3) Agora Phobia
Sometimes people affected by many fears at a time such multiple phobia is known as Agora phobia.
How to cure it
(1) Patients of phobia should consult the psychologist to find the cause of fear by Psycho-analysis.
(2)"Music therapy is an accepted treatment for many kind of emotional disorders"
Music has profound effect on mind and heart. If you are afraid of lift then enter into the lift while listening to the music.
(3) Record your own voice in cassette or in mobile phone. Record some sentences like (I am not weak, i can do it, i know how to do it. I know everything. I am not afraid of anything) etc
(4)stimulate your muscles. it is said that fear is closely related to muscle. So try to relax your muscles and pressure of fear will be low.
(5) Allah has given us five senses. Use these. If you are confused in any situation then use these senses.
(6) keep chewingum in your pocket. Chew it at the time of fear. Believe me its a very good thing. Try it.
(7) Put the perfume of your choice on your shirt's scarlet and cuff. Whenever you feel nervous stress, smell it.
keep the inhaler of menthol too.
(8) If you are afraid of idea that people are watching you. Then understand that people have no spare time to watch you are to notice you. Don't afraid if unrelated people watch you or notice you.
Remember! Don't think that others are perfect. No one is spotless.
Thank you for providing us with such valuable knowledge.