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Sunday, 6 August 2017

stress symptoms and treatment

 Body signs:
☆Desire of breathing fast
☆Stomach problems
☆Digestion problem
☆Sleep Disturbance
☆Cutting nails with teeth
Tiredness and agitation
Psychological Signs:
☆Fear of failure
☆Blood pressure

There are two types of distressful stress. One bad and  second worst. For a common person its bad condition is to feel headache. He feel the lack of concentration. He take no interest in work and could be paralyzed in worst condition. This person can be heart attack. cancer, anxiety, Depression and nervous breakdown can also be.
It happens because of change and change is necessary for life.
Remember! It is not a disease but when its prolong then you should concern. You can control it easily in beginning. You can consult to your Psychologist.

☆Take deep breath. Friends! If you are scared to any situation then take deep breath frequently even your breasts should be stirred to the maximum extent. stop breathing for 3,4  seconds and then slowly pull out the air through the mouth. Repeat this process for 3, 4 times. You will feel yourself peaceful.
☆ Relax your muscles. Its very important. After hard work muscles which spread all over the body get pain so, it is very important to care them. When muscles feel tired and get pain then relax them.Don't use pain killer every time its harmful.
☆change your behavior. Change yourself little bit.
   Some rules to avoid stress
☆Don't go fast. Abstain the haste . Adopt moderation.
☆If you have many works at a time then give them priority and do only one work at a time.
☆Don't run for perfection otherwise you will waste your time and energy all for nothing.
☆Don't fix unnecessary ultimatum.
☆sort your daily tasks.
☆Don't waste waiting time. Read rosary.
☆Meditation is a way to relax your mind. You can control yourself through it. Its a process of concentration. Its method is very easy, you just need to practice. put your hands on knee and focus your discernment on any word or point. It might be difficult in beginning but little by little your thinking will be your obedient and you will dispel stresses by doing it at any time.

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