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Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Top 50 healthy eating habits

Food is a need of body without which human beings can’t live, but the food we eat is not digestive by itself, but it is physiological forces that make it digestive and useful for the body and make it a part of body. You have to make a big deal. Therefore, if the diet is used excessively or its selection and needs are not considered in the body, it is an enemy of the body.
Follow the instructions below to keep yourself healthy.
   1) The punctuality is very important for health. A special diet time should be set.
   2) After eating a meal, do not eat anything until you have time to eat.
    3) It should be kept in mind that the diet is very good and powerful if it is not moderated in its quantity and Time, the body does not get benefit from it. There are many diseases because of it. Unhealthy, it is poisonous instead of causing health. It is essential for health to be restricted to the amount and time of diet.
   4) It is said that "eat when you are hungry."
   5) Do not eat until you are hungry, and when you have a little hungry, stop eating. The food consumed during hunger becomes part of the body and is healthier.
   6) The habit of eating before sleep is extremely harmful to health. The result of eating late dinner is that even when stomach is kept continuously working, it does not sleep. And in the morning, the body feels cheap rather than freshness. The nutritional principle of health is to eliminate the stomach before sleeping. Before sleep, those who eat food are suffering from different diseases of stomach.
  7) It is not good to drink milk at the time of sleeping.
  8) Eating too much is extremely bad for health. Eat less and do exercise.
  9) Do not eat it for two times a day.
  10) Use simple diet.
  11) Do not eat too much of hunger.
  12) Exercise is also essential like diet. Take some exercise also, and then see how fast you get rid of laziness, dizziness, tiredness and digestion problem. And how quickly your abilities are emerging.
  13) Eating after hard work or Exercise cause digestion problem.
  14) Don’t eat in trouble, sorrow or hurry. Just relax yourself and then enjoy eating.
  15) Exercise should not be done immediately after eating. Because the attention of nature and the forces of the body are divided into two things. It does not get the digestive action properly.
  16) It is a natural process that food should be eaten at a time when mental and physical body is calm.
  17) Julius said that happiness helps to digest food and make body parts and grief does not allow food to be part of the body.
  18) It is an indispensable medical principle that food you eat in sorrow has an effect of poison.
  19) Vegetables, cooked by simple ingredients, are better than meat cooked in sharp spices.
  20) Corn flour items, sweets, spicy food roasted in oil, Cake, pastries and chocolates are harmful if you eat continuously.
  21) After eating food, no mental work should be done for at least half an hour.
  22) Some people start studying while eating food and have a bad effect on brain and digestive system.
  23) Instead of helping in digestion, salts and spices in food add thirst in digestive system and create problem in digestion.
  24) The medical principle is that whatever we eat, the temperature should be according to our body. no more cold nor hot, but more moderate temperatures.
  25) Ice, ice cream or very cool water is harmful to teeth, Gums and stomach.
  26) The food should always be eaten slowly.
  27) Saliva should be in every bite. Saliva makes food digestive.
  28) The digestion problem also stops away if you chew your food. Eating food should be so easily to be fluid.
  29) Chubby food requires less quantity of food. Those who eat fast, open eat a much quantity of food. It is important to reduce the diet to enhance the body.
  30) The food should not be too hot or too cold.
  31) Drinking very cold water with food affects badly on the digestive system.
  32) The biggest reason for human health disease is a stomach problem. And stomach problem is a result of too much eating and eating spicy food.
  33) Some of the foods we eat digest in less time while some digest late. So be cautious to eat such food that takes much time to digest.
  34) Man's first and natural diet is milk.
  35) Mental workers should use more milk, rice, butter, almonds.
  36) The better principle of maintaining health is that one person should eat only one kind of food at a time. At fixed time and in appropriate amount.
  37) Drinking water immediately after eating is hazardous for health.
  38) Drink a little bit of water. Staying in three breaths. Do not use cold water.
  39) After eating Sour foods. After Cucumber, Melon etc. Immediately after waking up. After tea and after laxative it’s harmful to drink water.
  40) Honey is very useful in Flue, cough and TB.Removes the weakness. Protects from flue and Fever. Use of honey in Typhoid and Cholera is useful.
  41) Blood pressure is an epidemic disease. Orange, Grape fruit, lime, orange, and Amla eaters are protected from the disease throughout the lifetime.
  42) The best fruits for Intestine, kidney and lung cleaning are Orange, Lemon, Tomato and Grape.
  43) Using grapes blood gets pure. Increase digestive power. Heart and liver get and strong.
  44) Pomegranate is a unique thing to strengthen Vitals.
  45) Use of Pinus gerardiana keeps safe from diabetes.
  46) Almonds protect the weakness of heart and brain and control Constipation. Strengthening the body and thickens the body.
  47) People who eat cucumber, melon and Watermelon. Gallstone, cyst diseases and other painful diseases such as Kidney Pain do not come close to them.
  48) Guava is useful for the palpitations.
  49) Goat milk and Melon is useful in hemorrhoids.
  50) Almonds, grapes, tomatoes, citrus, Beat and liver of Goat, Buffalo hen etc are very useful. Produce blood and remove blood complaints.


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  2. Thank you for sharing this amazing list of healthy eating habits! As a Gynaecologist in Ludhiana, I can definitely attest to the importance of a healthy diet for maintaining overall health and wellness.
