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Thursday 14 March 2019

Perception- Types of Perception

Perception is a process of organizing and making sense of stimuli in our environment or perception is organization, identification, and interpretation, of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or the environment.
Nature of Perception: All perception involves signals that go through the nervous system with inturn result from physical and chemical stimulation of sensory system. Our motives helps us to determine which stimulus we perceive. e.g. Vision envolves light striking the retina of eye
Smell is medicated by odor molecules
Hearing envovlves pressure waves
Types of Perception
1. Depth
2. Motion
3. Time perception
4. Form perception
Depth perception is ability to see the world in three dimensions and to perceive the distance.
Retinal Disparity: There is certain differences between eye, the brain brain integrates the two images formed by eyes into one composite view but it doesn’t ignores the difference in imag, this is known as retinal disparity. The disparity allows the brain to control and counts the distance of objects from us.
The cues that determine the depth: There are two cues that determine distance and depth.
Monocular: Monocular are those that can operate only when one eye is looking. These cues are the one’s painter can use to give us 3D experiences.
Binocular: Relating to both eyes.

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